With the advent of the Global MOOC(Massive Open Online Course) service, UST support the development and operation of courses linked to UST courses and Global MOOC.
Operation of lectures using Global MOOC for some of the courses approved for opening.
Announcement of the bulletin board of the teaching and learning support website two weeks before the start of each semester and individual guidance of teachers (e-mail)
The world's largest MOOC with more than 100 universities including Stanford, Yale, Chicago, and KAIST.
MOOC platform started by MIT and Harvard University.
MOOC, which focuses on computer science at Stanford University.
MOOC platform established led by Open University
Online open course with UST and S&T-centric research universities
Korean online open course service involving universities in Korea.
042-865-2407 / jkseo@ust.ac.kr
In order to enhance student competency, UST support global MOOC classes by world-renowned professors.
Academic-related fields such as supplementation and in-depth major, convergence research, and start-up
Announcement of the bulletin board of the teaching and learning support website two weeks before the start of each semester and individual guidance of teachers (e-mail)
042-865-2407 / jkseo@ust.ac.kr