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연수제안서 목록입니다. 순번, 제목, 부서명, 등록일, 첨부파일로 구분하여 자료를 제공합니다.
num.Year Semester Campus Major Research Subject
612022 Fall KITECH School Robotics Research on the essential element technology related to electric vehicles
602022 Fall KITECH School Robotics - Development of parts manipulation command generation technology using VR/MR - Development of Digital Human Generator
592022 Fall KITECH School Robotics - Development of a human-enhanced hybrid robot suit that can safely complete 100m in 7 seconds and wear it comfortably for 12 hours - Development of mobile order-picking robot technology capable of elevation that is optimized for shelf picking that is performed by humans in the logistics warehouse - Development of robot system for live wire work for overhead distribution lines - Ground recognition technology for multi-legged robots
582022 Fall KITECH School Robotics - Development of Human-friendly service robot by human robot interaction design
572022 Fall KIOST School Marine Technology Convergence Engineering ocean environment and coastal engineering
562022 Fall KIOST School Marine Technology Convergence Engineering coastal engineering, marine ICT, satellite-based technology, environmental engineering
552022 Fall KRISO School Ships and Ocean Engineering Development of integrated R-Mode navigation system
542022 Fall KIOST School Ocean Science marine environmental studies, environmental biology, and satellite oceanography
532022 Fall KRISO School Ships and Ocean Engineering Development of smart sensor technology for underwater environment monitoring
522022 Fall KIOST School Ocean Science physical oceanography, chemical oceanography, marine biology, geological oceanography, and ocean climatology