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UST Alumni Association

Greetings from Chairman Creating future values in association with government - funded research institutes​

Greetings from Chairman

Han, Jeong-Yeol The second alumni president Han, Jeong-Yeol
Dear UST alumni, I am honored to be the 2st President of the
UST Alumni Association.

Thanks to the sincere cooperation of the alumni members, I am grateful that the UST Alumni Association has finally been inaugurated through the Alumni Association Establishment Committee.

At present, our university is making continuous advancements day after day with the best infrastructure supported by the government as well as diverse national research and development projects. Thanks to high-quality human resources coming to UST, both at home and abroad, UST has become a cradle for developing national science and technology and science education, thereby producing advanced R&D manpower that can readily be deployed in various fields.

Responding to the demands of the times, the 2st UST Alumni Association will do its best to coordinate both UST and all the alumni members on the basis of mutual friendship and amity. Furthermore, we will do everything within our reach to lay the foundations for creating a fertile soil on which every UST student grows into a pillar of this country. As the 2st UST Alumni Association, we will share the news of alumni members and hold regular alumni gatherings for the development and cooperation within the association. By doing so, we will serve as a bridge that connects each and every member of the association in times of joy and sorrow.

Going forward, we will make every effort to contribute to the development of UST by actively supporting the UST alumni until they play a key role in Korea’s science and technology sector based on advanced knowledge and expertise in their fields.

The future is not created by itself. Only those who plan, design, and work hard can grab it.

I want to see the UST Alumni Association play a pivotal role in contributing to the next generation of science and technology for an even brighter tomorrow for Korea. I wish you luck and happiness in everything you do.

Thank you.

Han, Jeong-Yeol,the 2st President of UST Alumni Association.