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[U-LINK] 2024 U-LINK Career Enhancement Special Lecture

작성자국제협력/U-LINK TF팀  조회수433 등록일2024-10-04

Greetings from U-LINK. We would like to manage the U-LINK Special Lecture Series on the 2nd half of 2024. 

Now you can check the detailed information of each lecture. 

Before you register for the lecture, we also want you to keep in mind the following things.

First, the specific schedule is subject to change depending on circumstances. 

Second, to verify your attendance, "Digital Badge" will be given to those who attend any lecture among them. 

Third, "Excellent Digital Badge" will be awarded to those who attend the entire series of U-LINK Special Lecture. 

※ This lecture will provide those who are members of the U-LINK 

※ If you are interested in the lectures, not yet the member of U-LINK, join the U-LINK platform first

   (U-LINK Platform: https://u-link.ust.ac.kr/ulink/index.do )

[Poster] : Click on the poster to register!

☎ KyeongJin,OH (JIN) , 042-865-2396, jin@ust.ac.kr or ulink@ust.ac.kr