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Academic Notice


게시물 검색
[대표_영문] Course/Gradelist 으로 번호, 제목, 작성자, 조회수, create 일, 첨부파일로 나열 되고 있습니다.
num. Subject Department Views Registration Date Attachments
공지 Field research guidelines and representative cases of field research reports 학사팀 154 2024-09-09 ZIP 파일다운로드
공지 Recognition of Credit Earned from Other Universities for Fall 2024 학사팀 53 2024-08-26 [Attached File] Application form(Recognition of Credit Earned from Other Univ.).docx
15 [Notice] Change Period of Extra Credit Application Education Support Team EST 16,673 2016-08-04 Extra Credit Application Form.docx
14 ★ Notice of Academic Schedule, Fall Semester in 2016 Education Support Team 6,858 2016-07-28 Academic Calendar-related to Course of Fall Semester in 2016.pdf
13 [Notice] 2016 fall semester graduate student have to Input Final report Student Support team 5,411 2016-07-19 2016 Input Final report manual (Student).ppt
12 Application Guideline for earned from other graduate school prior to admission 교육지원팀 5,113 2016-06-29 Application of Credit Recognition earned from other graduate school prior to admission_Name(Student ID).docx
11 [Notice] Application Guideline for earned from other graduate school prior to admission 교육지원팀 4,932 2016-06-29 Application of Credit Recognition earned from other graduate school prior to admission_Name(Student ID).docx
10 [2016-spring] Notice on Grade Check and Field Research Report 교육지원팀 6,821 2016-06-17 ZIP 파일다운로드
9 [Notice] [2016-spring] Notice on Grade Check and Field Research Report 교육지원팀 6,263 2016-06-17 ZIP 파일다운로드
8 [2016-Spring] Announcement of Grade Posting and Confirmation 교육지원팀 6,670 2016-06-14 ZIP 파일다운로드
7 [Notice] [2016-Spring] Announcement of Grade Posting and Confirmation 교육지원팀 6,699 2016-06-14 ZIP 파일다운로드
6 Guidance for UST Summer Semester 2016 교육지원팀 4,941 2016-06-13 Guidance for UST Summer Semester 2016.hwp