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Academic Notice

Tuition Fee/Scholarship/Award

게시물 검색
[대표_영문] Tuition Fee/Scholarship/Awardlist 으로 번호, 제목, 작성자, 조회수, create 일, 첨부파일로 나열 되고 있습니다.
num. Subject Department Views Registration Date Attachments
21 2019 Fall semester Tuition Installment Notice Student Affairs Team 4,902 2019-07-19
20 Korean Language Class Registration & Tuition Refund Guide of 2019 Spring (Daejeon Area) Student Affairs Team 4,086 2019-06-20 ZIP 파일다운로드
19 Notice on Tuition Payment for Spring Semester 2019 Student Affairs Team 14,113 2019-02-03 TUITION GUIDE FOR SPRING SEMESTER 2019.pdf
18 Tuition Notice for the 2018 Fall Semester Student Affairs Team 6,264 2018-08-22 Tuition Guideline_2018 Fall.pdf
17 2018 Fall semester Tuition Installment Notice Student Affairs Team 4,957 2018-07-16
16 Jasmine Jiangsu Government Scholarship Talent Selection Program(2018) Student Affairs Team 5,152 2018-04-17 jasmine 장학생 모집 공고(영문).docx
15 2018 Spring Semester Tuition, 2nd Installment Notice Student Affairs Team 5,822 2018-03-23 Tuition Guideline_2018 Spring.pdf
14 Notice for 2018 Tuition Payment Student Affairs Team 7,215 2018-02-27 Tuition Guideline_2018 Spring.pdf
13 Tuition Installment Application Notice Student Affairs Team 6,171 2018-01-16
12 Notice of UST Research Paper Award Winners 2017 Student Affairs Team 7,074 2017-12-01