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미래를 혁신하고 세계를 선도하는 UST


Common Core Curriculum

Regulatory Basis

  • UST Statutes Article 37 and Guidelines for the Organization and Operation of Common Core Courses


  • A curriculum designed to cultivate essential competencies in line with the educational goals of leading graduate schools in the advancement of core and original technologies and industrial technological innovation.

Common Core Competencies

  • Creativity and Convergence Competency : The ability to create new knowledge based on advanced technologies
  • Basic Competencies in Science and Engineering : Fundamental competencies required for graduate university students
  • Entrepreneurial Spirit : The ability to create added value through the use of advanced technologies

Current Common Core Subjects

  • Students learn an overall overview of Artificial Intelligence and about individual AI models. Using Kaggle data and competitions, practical exercises are conducted with Python, Scikit-learn, and TensorFlow. The course is designed for students who have no prior knowledge of machine learning, providing them with basic knowledge of machine learning and deep learning. It focuses on deep learning techniques for text analysis and engages students through various practical exercises to foster interest in learning.
  • Big Data refers to the technology of extracting value and analyzing results from data sets that are too large for traditional database management tools, including both structured and even unstructured data that do not conform to a database format. Recently, the importance of Big Data has been highlighted, as it presents the possibility of providing valuable information to society and humanity across all areas, including politics, society, economy, culture, and science and technology. In this lecture, we will acquire basic skills in using Big Data by examining the concept of Big Data and looking at various case studies of its application in different fields.
  • For successful academic paper writing and research and development, the program pursues​

    1. 1Understanding of the core concepts of statistical analysis
    2. 2Cultivation of techniques in using the statistical analysis tool R​
    3. 3Conveying know-how in interpreting statistical analysis results​

    To achieve this, the program explains the core principles of parametric statistical analysis, which is most frequently used in science and engineering research and development and academic writing. It also provides R-Studio coding examples and methods for interpreting results.

  • In fields of research and development projects with high uncertainty, we aim to enhance the ability to improve the productivity of projects that one directly conducts or manages by applying the concepts of the global standard project management body of knowledge (PMBOK)
    1. 1 TechBridge-AI
      This course serves as a bridge connecting government-funded AI R&D with corporate AI R&D. It features lectures primarily based on case studies by executives from leading industries in Korea, representing various AI application fields. The course also covers the characteristics of R&D in AI companies and the desired qualities in their professionals. Through this, it aims to nurture advanced R&D talents who can excel in both artificial intelligence and the industry sectors of each school, providing opportunities to utilize these skills in research and industrial settings.
    2. 2 TechBridge-Bio
      Composed of special lectures by executives from leading bio and health industries in Korea, this course is designed to broaden researchers' perspectives. It provides not only R&D content but also insights into markets, development principles, and real-world examples of success and failure, offering experiences and case studies that are typically hard to encounter in a laboratory setting.
  • The program provides an overall understanding of entrepreneurship and a comparative analysis of international cases. By writing and presenting actual business plans, participants can experience the startup process, enhance their perception of entrepreneurship, cultivate global entrepreneurial spirit, and contribute to the spread of startup culture.
  • The course takes a historical perspective to explore marketing and markets as if they were interesting stories. It focuses not just on theoretical concepts, but on marketing practices that are practically used in everyday life. The objective is to understand the evolving market and to formulate and apply marketing strategies for new technologies in response to these changes.
  • Through this lecture, participants will understand the basic principles of scientific thinking and logic necessary for research. They will gain experience in collecting, analyzing, and visualizing data. Furthermore, the course aims to build confidence in summarizing and presenting research findings effectively in both academic settings and to the general public. It fosters an understanding and learning experience in data handling, as well as cultivating the methodologies, attitudes, and competencies required in the process of becoming a researcher.
  • Understand the value chain that extends from intellectual property rights (including patents) and the new paradigm of R&D patent strategies (IP-R&D), to technology commercialization. Furthermore, examine both domestic and international exemplary cases, and apply these to technology commercialization based on the actual R&D achievements of Government Funded Research Institutes in Science and Engineering (GFRIs).
  • 01
    Center for Excellence in Education Establish a draft plan for operating the Common Core curriculum.
  • 02
    School/Industry, etc. Recommend necessary courses to be offered.
  • 03
    Common Core Advisory Panel Evaluate the appropriateness and validity of courses.
  • 04
    Graduate University Committee Confirm the courses to be operated.
  • 05
    School/Industry, etc. Recommend and publicly recruit professors for the courses.
  • 06
    Common Core Advisory Panel Review applicants and provide advice.
  • 07
    Graduate University Committee Confirm the professors for the courses.
  • 08
    Center for Excellence in Education Finalize the Common Core curriculum courses.
  • 09
    Academic Affairs Team Set up lectures.
  • 10
    Selected Professors Operate the courses.
  • 11
    Center for Excellence in Education Analyze the results of the course operations.

Repeat every year